Timeless + Simple Christmas Decor To Last You Through the Years

The Holiday season is officially here {and has been for over a month now :P}. This year, I have really focused on simplifying and only decorating with those items I really love. With Asher getting older, our 1800 square foot house is feeling smaller and smaller. Three kids running around means I can’t go as crazy as I once wanted to with the decor. It’s been the year of simplifying, and that has included the Christmas decor. Let me tell you, it has been so good for the soul!

Fireplace christmas mantel

As I was bringing out all the decor, I combed through the bins to see what really brought joy vs what was purchased to add to the chaos. Anything that added to the chaos was put in a pile. Anything that brought joy was put out. And from that, I gathered a list of my favorite items, and they all had one thing in common: neutral, simple and timeless.


Here is a round up of my favorite neutrals for the 2023 holiday season. These items are all timeless; things that will last you through the years. Staple and versatile pieces that can be used year after year.

You can shop by clicking on the images below:

View of garland in kitchen window
dining room christmas

*These links contain affiliate links. Meaning if you purchase through my link, while it’s the same cost to you, I get a small commission – see my full disclosure here*


I hope this roundup of neutral holiday decor helps as you prepare for this holiday season. Now get to it and start decorating for the best holiday of the year! But before you do, what is your favorite thing to decorate?

As always, thanks for being here.

with love, andi

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