Repurposing Your Old Word Sign - A Quick and Easy Update

Don't do it! Don't get rid of it.

If you are like me and have an old word sign that you don't want any more but also don't just want to get rid of, I got you.

Completed word sign

Repurpose it! It is simple to update your sign and you don't need much. Here is all you need.


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We've had this sign in our family room for years and it was time for a change. Not only have word signs been going 'out of style', but if I am 100% completely honest, I don't want people to stay awhile :P

Old wording sign view

Instead of spending money on something new, I decided to repurpose this one and use the main structure. It was quite simple to change this:

Makeover before picture of word sign

to this:

Finished sign

First things first, I removed the wording using my utility scraper. I was hoping to keep the MDF board in tact, but failed. And that's okay. I just took some joint compound and instead of trying to make it perfectly smooth {which would involve sanding and I wanted to avoid that}, I ran with it organically and just smeared it around.

Picture of sign after wording removed

Once the joint compound dried, I primed and painted. If you are in need of a good paintbrush, this one is only one you will ever need.

Picture of sign after joint compound

Now here come's the fun part.

I found a picture of what I was wanted it online and printed it out to the sizing I wanted.

Picture of tracing process

Once I got it to the exact size I wanted, I took carbon transfer paper and layered that underneath the picture on my sign {adding a piece or two of tape for no movement}. I took a pencil and traced over the design.

Picture of transferred drawing

And that is it! So easy and cost saving. The hardest part of the whole thing was remembering where I had already traced over.


If you are like me and drag your hand when you write, the carbon copy paper might transfer to your sign in areas you didn't want. I found that using a magic eraser helped with the clean-up. But I also didn't mind the smudges too much, it gave it a vintage vibe.


A quick and easy makeover for a sign update at next to nothing cost!

Let me know if you try it out! Thank you for being here. Mean it!

with love, andi