Quick and Easy Menu Planning – The Chows Kitchen #10

Welcome to the Chows Kitchen! A weekly Menu Plan has been the biggest lifesaver for our family. As a person who would rather hold a paint brush than a ladle, I try to plan healthy(ish) and easy meals to get us through the week. Not only does menu planning make the cooking process less dreadful, but it saves us $$$ and keeps us eating healthier. These past two weeks are a prime example of why I love to meal plan. I didn't meal plan and we ended up either eating out or having something quick at home.

Depending on the recipe, I will adapt to fit my dietary needs {I have Crohn's disease and stay away from red meat, pork, dairy, etc.}. Here is what we are having this week!

Sunday Menu

Grilled Chicken, Dutch Oven Risotto & Cucumber Salad with Lime Vinaigrette

The perfect meal for a warm day on the weekend. Some BBQ chicken, this salad which looks delicious, and risotto.

This Simple Cucumber Salad with Lime Vinaigrette is a perfect & easy side dish! Grab the ingredients from your garden or the store and enjoy!

Monday Menu

Spaghetti, Caesar Salad and Garlic Bread

We need an easy meal so spaghetti with turkey sausage and red sauce from Trader Joes to the rescue!

Tuesday Menu

Baked Brown Rice Risotto with Buttered Mushrooms with Chicken and Biscuits

I am excited to try this one out. Instead of the pecorino, I will use parmesan cheese because I know that sits well with my stomach. I'll add some chicken {have you tried the Rotisserie Chicken Breast meat from Costco?? It is so good and so easy...I'll add a pic for you} and serve with some good ole easy bake biscuits.

Baked Brown Rice Risotto - Menu Plan
Rotisserie Chicken Breast Meat, 2.62 lbs | Costco

Wednesday Menu

Bacon, Egg & Avocado Sandwiches

We have made this so many times...so easy and so good! Pork is something I cannot have so we substitute that with turkey bacon. It fills us up a la carte, but it would pair nicely with a salad.

Bacon, Egg & Avocado Sandwiches - Menu Plan

Thursday Menu


Wednesdays and Thursday nights are our busy nights. I always make more of our dinners every night so we can have leftovers for nights like these.

Friday Menu

Chicken, Rice AND Dessert Night!

We got this the last time we went to Costco and are excited to try it. An easy meal to make with some rice..and of course dessert. The girls still have some Easter candy so that will be our dessert for tonight.

Kevin's Natural Foods Korean Bbq-style Chicken - 16oz

Saturday Menu

Night Out!

Me, Ron and Asher are going on a little date thrifting and then we will grab something unhealthy to eat. Maybe even get some fro yo :P


I hope this helps and makes meal planning a little more easy for you. If you try something, let me know! In need of more meal ideas?? For more menu planning ideas, click here!

Thank you for being here. Mean it!

with love, andi